When my brother called to ask what I was getting Dad for his birthday and fathers day, I had no idea. He said he had gotten a good deal on a Nuvi 250, we could split the cost three ways and make it a joint gift. This sounded good to me since both my sister and I were out of work and lil brother was on verge of layoff. Big Sis got the case and Brother and I split the cost of Ms. Garmin. Now all he had to do was ship it out from Oklahoma to Virginia. This doesn't sound like a big deal, but my brother has a problem with sending stuff out, just runs out of time during the day.
Well she arrived on time for the birthday party. Dad has been saying he would like to get a GPS for all the traveling he does with Mom's business. She manufactures her own line of square dance clothing. The only problem I saw with this is that Mrs. Garmen doesn't know just how big Dad's vehicle is. Dad drives at sixty five feet long, motor home and trailer. I have encountered some roads that we are directed onto that there is no way dad can take them. I wasn't sure I wanted to take my little Toyota on some.
"Oh Boy!!!" says dad as he opened the box. He got a strange look on his face when looking at this little screen in his hands. I then realized he didn't know anything about this strange woman about to embark him on his next trip, which was in only three days. I took her out to the vehicle to charge a while then brought her back to his capable hands. He had no idea. I proceeded to
show him the different icons to choose from and how to enter a name of a store, Wal-mart of course, mom could not live without this store, but that is a whole other blog. He said he understood just fine.

The next few days I kept asking if he was using his GPS, the response was, "no I know where I am here at home." Ok dad, but you should have practiced with this woman before hitting the road.
Mom called to say they were using Mrs. Garmin and what " a delight she is, we found Wal-mart parking lot just fine to camp for the night." They often stay overnight at these lots. When they got to the city for their convention, they needed a post office. So Dad looks up post offices within a certain distance from where they are staying, picks one and tells Mrs Garmin to "GO". Mom said they were driving and she lets them know that they are arriving at destination on right. They see a few buildings but no post office, the flag was for the small Fire House. Dad keeps driving while Mrs Garmin recalculates. After a few miles Mom says "just get turned around, we have missed it somewhere." Lo and behold, "arriving at destination on left." Dad slows and sees a little store and the Fire House, but no post office, so he keeps driving while Mrs Garmin recalculates. He sees a woman on the street and asked her where is the post office? Guess what, Mrs Garmin was right, "it's at the Fire House" the woman informs him. So not only does he have to listen to Mrs Garmin recalculating but now he has to listen to Mom.

He has since found that she doesn't like to stop for lunch, or gas, or just to pull off the interstate to stretch a while. But she does get him where he needs to be. One of these days dads will learn to listen to us women, whether in live version or through Mrs Garmin. Happy Fathers Day to all those dads who read this.
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