We are anxiously anticipating the arrival of our first GeoCoin. Isn't she precious? Now what is the purpose of a geocoin, you might ask? (Play with me here, even if you don't care).
A geocoin is a special coin created by individuals or groups of geocachers as a kind of signature item or calling card. Each geocoin is assigned a unique tracking ID which allows them to travel from geocache to geocache or to be passed amongst friends, picking up stories along the way.
We chose Daisy as our first coin because Beth is a farmer by trade. She has cattle and sheep, a few horses, a herding dog and other critters she tends to...her farming activities sometimes interfere with our caching plans, but hey, there is always something it seems....(pun intentional)...as we may miss a geocaching BBQ event because she has to put up hay.
Our plan is to love on Daisy for awhile, show her to our geocaching friends...all three of them...then send her on a trip to visit Beth's brother in Edmond Oklahoma. And of course, I plan on recording her adventures here as they happen. I think I can upload a cool map that will highlight her location as it occurs. The blogging potential of this gal is massive. Who knows, Daisy might end with her own blog and get a special spot on Anderson Cooper's 360 political analyst panel....hmm...
As much as I'll want to hang onto her, eventually she will be sent on her way. We are considering placing Daisy in a cache while we are "geocationing" in Providence Town, MA this fall. If you have any suggestions for her pre-travel activities...let us know.
Pip (The Dragon)
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